Diane Brown

English as a Second Language 
English classes grades 7-12

On this page you can find important information for your English Learner 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me by email at [email protected] 

Please review the ESL Handbook for any questions or concerns
To review, return to the Dunmore School District home page and scroll down under district to the ESL Handbook

October 2023

Hello students and families,

Congratulations to all students! The first quarter ends soon.
In January, we will test our English language proficiency.
We will complete the  WIDA ACCESS 2.0 English Language Proficiency Exams!
Results and test scores are scheduled to arrive at the end of May into early June.
If you have any questions or concerns I can be reached via email: [email protected] or contact me on the Talking Points App.

Mrs. Brown


Students may now practice English with the Rosetta Stone Language program. 

1. Click on the link in their email or this link to begin: http://dunmoreschooldist.rosettastoneclassroom.com/
2. For username:  first initial, last initial, lunch pin
3. For password: db, lunch pin 
4. Click on 'Launch Rosetta Stone Foundations'
5. Use headphones with a microphone to follow program directions.

Students, Please try the following links to practice English at home The skills, games and activities will help you to improve English language skills in school.

Parents, Try the links so you can learn English too!

Remember to use the Talking Points App to message me with any questions.