Maura Reilly

Hello My Name Is...

Mrs. Reilly

I am the itinerant learning support teacher for grades 10, 11 and 12. This is my 14th year at Dunmore. I am responsible for modifying and accommodating assessments for special education students who participate in the general education curriculum. I also operate the resource room for students in grades 10-12. The resource room is where students with IEPs can utilize the specially designed instruction and accommodations outlined in their IEPs and participate in progress monitoring. During 2nd period, I co teach 11th grade general education English with Mrs. Summers. I am also the Basketball Cheer Advisor.

Below are my Google Classroom pages. Links to these pages can also be found under the Useful Links tab located on the left.

itinerant learning support

1st period Social Skills.

2nd period English 11

DHS Basketball Cheer

Please feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions!

Thank you!