Mrs. McNeff Room 115 Printer
Scope link
The class code for Scope is duckrun9.
9/9/24 - Study notes on prepositions and prepositional phrases. Review worksheets that we corrected in class.
9/11/24- Study notes on prepositions, "Moco Limping" and "The Hurricane".
9/16/24 - Test on Friday, 9/20/24. Review notes on prepositions, worksheets and poems, "Moco Limping", "The Hurricane", "Pigeon Woman", and "A Loaf of Poetry".
9/17/24 - Test on Friday, 9/20/24. Review notes on prepositions, worksheets and poems., "Moco Limping", "The Hurricane", "Pigeon Woman", A Loaf of Poetry".
9/18/24 - Test on Friday 9/20/24
9/19/24 - Test tomorrow 9/20/24. Study the notes on prepositional phrases. Study "Moco Limping",
"The Hurricane", "Pigeon Woman", and "A Loaf of Poetry".
9/20/24 - Test early next week on "Jellyfish Invasion" and the Eight Parts of Speech.
9/23/24 - Test on Wednesday, 9/25/24. Study the Eight Parts of Speech and "Jellyfish Invasion" from Scope.
9/24/24 - Test tomorrow. Review sheets are posted in google classroom.
10/8/24 - Study the notes on Subordinate Clauses and Complex Sentences. Test on Friday,10/11/24.
0/9/24 - Test on Friday 10/11/24.
10/10/24 - Test tomorrow, 10/11/24. Study the notes and worksheets on Subordinate Clauses and Complex Sentences.
10/22/24- Test on Thursday, 10/24/24. Study the Eight Parts of Speech Notes and Worksheets. If you forget them in school, they're in google classroom.
10/23/24 - Test on Thursday, 10/24/24. Study the Eight Parts of Speech Notes and Worksheets. Study the Cumulative Reviews Units 1-5 and 1-7.
29/24 - Test tomorrow on the eight parts of speech. You are allowed to use your notes on the eight parts of speech.
11/5/24 - Review notes and rules on Using Commas I,II. Complete Ex.2 Worksheet
11/14/24 - Test tomorrow, Friday 11/15/24 on Commas I & II Rules 1-6, 8,9.
11/18/24 - Review Using Commas III Rules 10 - 16.
12/3/24 - Test on Thursday, 12/5/24. Review Using Commas III Rules 10 - 16.
12/4/24 - Test tomorrow on Using Commas III Rules 10 -16. Bring character sketch information to class to class tomorrow.
1/15/25 - Test on Tuesday, 1/21/25 on Linking Verbs and Predicate Words. Study your notes and worksheets.
1/17/25 - Test on Tuesday 1/21/25 on Linking Verbs and Predicate Words.