Hello My Name Is...
Mrs. Sotak
I have been a Learning Support teacher in the Dunmore School District for the past 14 years. During my day I teach Functional Math Skills, Algebra, and Math Test Prep skills. I also co-teach senior English with Mrs. Mataloni.
All of my classes can access their work through their Google Classroom pages. The page links and codes are listed below and can also be found under Useful Links:
English Perod 1 https://classroom.google.com/c/MzgzMTY5NzMxOTY3
(Class Code: 6ma67cg)
Math Period 2 https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3NjkzMDY0MjUz
(Class Code: 4vpnt5f)
Math Period 4 https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3NjkzMDc2Mjk3
(Class Code: fnlbp2n)
Math Period 11 https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3NjkzMDc2MzQ5
(Class Code: xlqlvpl)
The Math Test Prep classroom links and codes are as follows:
Day 1- https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3NjkzMDc2NDcw
(Class Code: htcgjvo)
Day 2- https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3NjkzMDc2NTA1
(Class Code: 4z5mth3)
Day 3- https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3NjkzMDc2NTQw
(Class Code: tbpwerv)
Day 4- https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3NjkzMDc2NTc3
(Class Code: 6anftnq)
Day 5- https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3NjkzMDc2NTk4
(Class Code: xz244ak)
The Math Test Prep class works on the Imagine Learning Math program online. They are expected to complete thirty minutes a week on the program. You can access their work on the website below.
Their username and password (which are the same) are their initials and lunch pin
ex. bs1234
If you have any problems or questions, please email me at [email protected] or call the high school at (570) 346-2043.
Google Classroom Login Information:
Username: Last name graduation year
ex. [email protected]
Password: Pin # bucks
ex. 1111bucks